Online Journal for

Friday, June 23, 2006

Funny Game Show in Japan

I found this clips from
They are hilarious!!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Being musician, being curse !?

Today during the conducting class, we were talking about how to make career in music.
One of the classmate said that being a musician is like being curse because you just don't want to do something else beside music.

Plus most of musician make less money than other career too!

Actually, this has been one of topics discussing in the class for awhile.
Neil kept telling us stories about how hard to be in music career. At the same time, he got many good stories of successful players, and I can see how great those people were. Stories like that are inspiring, but it is not like that I can see myself to become one... At least, not yet!
Sometimes, I even asked myself what I'm doing here.

Many times I see those good players in school, see their passion in music. I started to ask myself whether I have that passion or not.

Even though I'm not good yet, I can't see myself doing something else. How would it be if I don't play music !?

I just can't imagine that.

Perhaps, this is why I'm still in music. I'm one of them who is cursed to have passion in music.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Good Old Day

Last week my ex-roommate came back to visit us.
Jason had been my roommate for 2 years before he graduate and went back to California.
He got married with Kate after moving back, and that was 1 year ago.

Guest what!? Now Kate get pregnant and they are expecting to see the baby on this November.
I'm so happy for them, and it was really nice to see them again.

A true friend is hard to find especially when you live far away from homeland. Jason is one of a good-at-heart person I have known, and he is a strong christian too!

I'm sure that god has blessed and looked up on him.

Note: Here is a video clip I got from
Quite interesting, isn't it?

Summer Summer, Yeah!

It has been a month since Spring semester had done.
Now I'm taking 2 classes for Summer I semester.
One of them is an arranging for marching band which I'm so excited.

The class is really interesting and Dr.Fisher is really nice to me.

But arranging class could never be difference. We have many transcriptions to do.
Next week we might actually start to write something for the band...

Man!! This is fun!!